Greg Wolfe on The MA

  • "An excellent example of a group blog, a true community of like-minded but highly individual writers. . . . Topics range from the state of Christian publishing to craft issues to lyrical meditations on writing as a spiritual discipline."

    GREGORY WOLFE in Christianity Today, March 2008


  • The Master's Artist is a group blog for writers united by the blood of Christ and a love for language. We come from different backgrounds, have different theological outlooks, and are interested in a wide variety of genres and artforms. The opinions expressed belong to their authors alone -- and you're welcome to share yours.

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April 03, 2008


michael snyder

Amazing, Jeanne.

You, our artistic God, the fruits and veggies, your words, the colors and shapes and sizes, all of it. And I don't even like zucchini all that much.

Still...tomorrow I plan to spend a few minutes (sans camera) in a nearby produce section.

Mary E. DeMuth

You wrote: I've heard writers say, if the writing is too beautiful, it distracts from the story. I will never understand that sentiment. If the writing isn't beautiful, I don't have time for the story. Life is short and its moments meant to be fully lived. I don't want to waste my calories or my reading hours.

So true. Which adds to my glee that the latest Leif Enger book releases April 22nd. Oh the beauty of his words. I can't wait.

Michelle Pendergrass

I love the way you think!

And I want your camera.

Madison Richards

I read somewhere (and maybe George can confirm this) that under an electron microscope, all vitamins have certain color patterns that don't necessarily relate to the color of the actual vegetable or fruit that is full of that vitamin. Anyway, the bright, fresh, vibrant colors of the fruits and veggies entice us, but what if our bodies actually are craving the colors of the vitamins themselves?

And what if words really gave off colors, and we were drawn to combinations of words because they fed and nourished us on a spirit level?

Sorry, I'm on medication... ;)

Madison Richards

Ok, so check this out...(any of you who'd like to join me on medication)

I found electron microscope pics of different vitamins. Pollock and Picasso ain't got nothin' on God!

Dennis Kunkel Microscopy:

Nathan Knapp

Jeanne! What a beautiful post! Thank you. :)

Jeanne Damoff

Thanks so much, everyone, for your kinds words!

I'm also looking forward to Enger's book, Mary. I not only love his writing, I applaud the way he ignores conventional wisdom that insists the public will forget about you if you don't crank out two or three books a year. A true literary hero.

Beautiful shots of vitamins, Madison! :)

laurie of liquid paper

Great post (and photos) Jeanne. I love the part about the produce manager -- I'll bet those people don't get a lot of recognition for the artistry of their work. It makes me want to lug my camera along the next time I got to the grocery store.

Heather Goodman

I had some good conversations this week at the conference about food and cooking as art and about its need for redemption. Frozen dinners are not the same. They never will be.
I believe this, yes I do, but at the same time, I need to work toward it little by little. I've fallen into the trap of easy-schmeesy meals lately in order to spend time on writing.
I've also started gardening, including a veggie/herb/fruit garden. It delights me to see my strawberries developing each day like an image forming on the canvas brush stroke by brush stroke.

Donna J. Shepherd

The post AND the pictures - beautiful. Thanks so much for a delightful read.

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