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  • "An excellent example of a group blog, a true community of like-minded but highly individual writers. . . . Topics range from the state of Christian publishing to craft issues to lyrical meditations on writing as a spiritual discipline."

    GREGORY WOLFE in Christianity Today, March 2008


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December 08, 2008



These are GREAT ideas! When my next book drops in July, I'm going to try the "under the dryer" signing!

Dee Stewart

Hey, Carleen!! Let me know when you do!

Rhonda McKnight

Thanks, Dee. You're the best at giving tips.

Linda Hargrove

And here, I thought it was too late ...
Following up with my book-lady contact at local B&N now and mailing out those tips sheets (again). CHEERing up!

Thanks Dee, I needed this.

Dee Stewart

Hey, Rhonda.

You know I got you. LOL. And the one on the phone you gave me. We have to do this. For real!!

Linda, it's never too late. Get in the game, girlfriend. :)

Hope I was a help.


Interesting ideas Dee. Nice post.

Nicole Petrino-Salter

Dee, there are some great ideas here, but if that picture of you isn't the best thing about this post, I don't know what is. Gorgeous, girlfriend.

Lynn Rush

Great ideas. Thanks for sharing!!

Madison Richards

Seriously helpful Dee - you really do have the greatest ideas! I'm filing this post away for when my brain can't remember to feed the dog and I'll never be able to think of these tips again!!



What a generous list of just giving! Perfect!

Dee Stewart

Tina, I hope it helps you in the future.

Nicole, you deserve a gold star. Thanks for the compliment.

Lyn, thanks for commenting. Let me know if you use any of these tips.

Madison, feed the dog. LOL. Thanks.

Chris, thanks for the great comment. Let me know if you use any of these.

Melody Moser

Thanks, Dee, this is a such a fabulous list of ideas! You're right - this is the best time of year to become part of your community. I've printed out a copy to file so I don't forget these great tips.

Dee Stewart

Thanks, Melody. I hope it helps.

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