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May 22, 2009



I would suggest the child's vision is clearest because it stays so focused. In "adulthood" we bring in so many obtuse "realities" and often lose our concentration on those things which mattered so much to us as children. While not necessarily a bad thing and certainly required of us as we mature, that central and most needed requirement of simple, true love can lose its value as we age and be replaced with complicated substitutes.
God Is Love, not just loving. We cannot see Him fully in this fallen state, so sometimes we manufacture who He is or who we want Him to be because our vision is obscured by the darkness and convolution of sin.
Thanks for these, Simon.

Jeanne Damoff

"I put away childish things
And began to see through a glass darkly."

Like you, Simon, I find the wording of those lines provocative and enchanting. I wonder if our darkened perceptions of Love are less the result of acquired understanding, and more a consequence of cynicism and loss of trust. After all, a child believes without seeing, simply because the one who holds him makes a promise.

Good things to think about. Thanks.


Madison Richards

Wonderful post Simon! What a great reminder of things 'gone by' - things we might otherwise miss.

I too take my God glasses for granted. It's easy to forget what it was like when the world was dark and shadows shifted at will. Thanks for this. Really.


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