The Master's Artist welcomes guest poster, K.M. Weiland.
Every book you read is a tractate on the world view of the author. In some stories, the author’s viewpoint is immediately discernible; perhaps the book’s premise was even based on a view the author passionately wanted to share, such as Charles Dickens’s frequent crusades against the injustices of Victorian England (Oliver Twist, Bleak House, Little Dorrit). More often than not, however, the author’s world view is simply the de facto backdrop for a story intended for sheer entertainment value.
Don’t be mistaken, though. The fact that an author doesn’t necessarily intend to “preach” his world view, hardly diminishes the fact that his view is still presented to the public in a favorable and often convincing manner, simply because likable main characters share these beliefs. This very subtlety is what gives fictional stories tremendous sway in directing public morality. One need look no farther than Hollywood to recognize the phenomenal impact stories can have on those who participate in them.
The entertainment industry, headed by Hollywood, is probably the single most powerful pundit of public thought, emotion, and belief. People flock to the movies to watch their favorite actors fight their way through incredible odds to rescue the world and save the day. We love these heroes, we admire them, we emulate them. And because of our great fascination with these heroes of the silver screen and the written page, we often want to forgive them their faults and gloss over the inconsistencies between the world view of the Bible and those exemplified by our heroes.
That we are affected by what we watch and read is undeniable. That authors therefore bear a huge responsibility to their readers, in presenting truth in their work, should also go without saying. Christian authors, especially, must be aware of the great burden they shoulder whenever they sit down at their keyboards. In the medium of fiction, we have perhaps one of the greatest opportunities for sharing moral truth with people. Moral compromise and outright immorality has inundated the mainstream entertainment industry—and therefore the populace at large—to such an extent that immoral standards have not only become accepted, but even encouraged.
What I find extremely discouraging is how few Christian writers (and filmmakers) are presenting a counterattack to this destruction of biblical morality. Too many Christian writers present heroes whose lifestyles are cookie-cutter copies of the worldly models found in popular fiction. Why aren’t Christians standing as a light in a dark world? Why aren’t we presenting heroes and stories that find their ultimate foundation on the Word of God?
In no way am I suggesting that Christian authors should limit themselves to writing about sanctimonious, puritanical, or “perfect” characters. Even Christian readers are fed up with such formulaic stories. Some of the greatest moral stories in both literature and movies find their foundation in the premise of flawed and interesting characters struggling with wrong choices. Ben Hur by Lew Wallace offers as its hero a young Judahite consumed with revenge. When a Man’s a Man by Harold Bell Wright is fueled entirely by the wrong decisions its characters make throughout the majority of the story. In Mary Johnston’s epic Civil War duology The Long Roll/Cease Firing, her characters, lost in the chaos of a country at war, fall and rise and fall again. But in all of these stories we find the bedrock truth of convincing morality. Why is it convincing? Because it rings true to life, in its flawed characters and desperate plights. Why is it moral? Because the authors refused to compromise the underlying truth of their stories. Even when the characters themselves do not understand this truth, the reader is led to see it through the logical ramifications caused by the characters’ actions.
Christian writers must take a hard stand on the truth. We must stand on the laws of God, show the stark black and white of morality, and never flinch from breaking today’s abundant stereotypes. Rise above mediocrity. No matter how excellent a truth you may be presenting, no one will care if it is not packaged with excellence. Don’t fall into the trap of two-dimensional characters, cotton-candy facades of the “Christian life,” pat endings, and unjustified prudery. If we, as Christians, bear in ourselves the Light of the World, how can we dare present unfruitful, second-rate stories? We must excel, we must shine—not for our own glory, but for that of our Creator, King, and Savior.
In his excellent book Outside Hollywood: The Young Christian’s Guide to Vocational Fimmaking (which, despite its title and emphasis, still possesses an abundance of wealth for the Christian writer of fiction), Isaac Botkin puts our case very plainly: “Christ commanded all of us to examine the fruit. So what is the fruit of Christian pragmatism? The runaway worldliness of the Church is easily keeping pace with the runaway worldliness in surrounding culture. Christian radio, Christian television, and Christian movies have simultaneously descended to a level that is not merely culturally irrelevant, but spiritually treasonous. It is also ugly, childish, and of poor technical quality. This, of course, is a generalization, but it is an accurate generalization.”
The truth of quality and the truth of morality: both are desperately in demand from Christian writers, both are the bedrock of excellent fiction.
K.M. Weiland writes historical and speculative fiction from her home in the sandhills of western Nebraska. She is the author of the historical western A Man Called Outlaw and the recently released medieval epic Behold the Dawn. She blogs at Wordplay: Helping Writers Become Authors and AuthorCulture.
Amen. Written with passion and conviction: you go, Girl.
Posted by: Nicole | April 14, 2010 at 07:56 AM
Excellent! You've said what many of us are thinking!
Posted by: Melissa Marsh | April 14, 2010 at 08:56 AM
Some great advice that I needed to read!
Whoever runs the entire show of The Master's Artist, I love your blog with the mission statement. I love to stop by here and find all the new artist/authors.
You've shown me to many amazing people and blogs! Thanks
Posted by: Duane Scott | April 14, 2010 at 10:08 AM
I don't know - I think there's so much of God and God's kingdom even in some of the most 'icky' movies and books. I'm constantly finding God showing up in the theatre and the cinema when I least expect it - in stories about flawed, broken human beings who discover love, peace and acceptance, even if God perse is never mentioned or referred to. I don't believe that the world is black and white, and I believe in the bottomless pit of grace that redeems everything... this is what I long to see reflected in all art... and artists using their imagination to render true a world where justice rolls like an ever flowing stream...I love your passion, K.M... that's something I look forward to seeing more off too.
Posted by: Miz Melly | April 14, 2010 at 11:47 AM
I am struggling with this in my writing right now. I have a character who has sought to fill the hole in his soul with sex. And now he's in a loving relationship. And now God has met him. So, does he need to instantly embrace a biblical standard of chastity? And if he doesn't, will the book sell? And if he does, will he be a real character? I find this a tough question. I'm finding an interesting way through the challenge that I hope will balance all these questions, but it isn't easy. And sometimes a small, deep change can be more meaningful and inspiring and hopefilled than anything - both in real life and in fiction.
Posted by: susan fish | April 14, 2010 at 12:31 PM
@Nicole: Thanks for reading! I believe passion is such an important part of art. If we're not passionate, why bother?
@Melissa: This clan of Christian writers is a good place to be a part of, isn't it?
@Duane: I think we all need reminded from time to time. I know from personal experience how easy it is to lose focus.
@Miz: Ultimately, I agree. God is everywhere we look. Some of the stories that have moved me most have been written by people who obviously came from anything but a Christian world view. But, at the same time, there's lots of degrading crud out there. As Christians, I believe it's our responsibility to make sure we aren't hiding God's light under a bushel barrel.
Posted by: K.M. Weiland | April 14, 2010 at 12:38 PM
> Some of the greatest moral stories in both literature and movies find their foundation in the premise of flawed and interesting characters struggling with wrong choices.
For that matter, some of the greatest moral stories in _The Bible_ are based on flawed and interesting characters. Flaws make the struggle meaningful. Christian writers who miss that point are, well, kind of missing the _whole_ point if you ask me.
Posted by: Jason Black | April 14, 2010 at 12:56 PM
Exactemundo. There are no perfect people. And, all I can say is, thank heavens that's so, because it would be an awfully boring world otherwise - and writers would be out of a job! It's the perfecting, *not* the perfection that's interesting and inspiring.
Posted by: K.M. Weiland | April 14, 2010 at 01:13 PM
Great post, Katie! I've been so convicted about excellence lately, considering we're writing for the Master Writer and Storyteller. Amazing how others seem to be, too. I hope it shows up in my book--should it ever see the light. ;)
You rock, girlfriend!
Posted by: Sandra King | April 14, 2010 at 08:17 PM
I still wrestle with this. Adhere too closely to gospel and you lose your audience. Adhere too much to the world and the salt loses its savor. It seems there's a razor-edged fine line there that no one can see, and yet if you can find it, you can simultaneously remain true to your calling /and/ rouse the world's interest in Biblical truths about the genuine God.
I remember when Frank Peretti wrote his two angelic warfare novels. They took some liberties with literal fact, but represented the gist of spiritual reality in a fashion that was both entertaining and enlightening. Would that we could do more of that, be both relevant and remain true to our calling.
Posted by: Johne Cook | April 14, 2010 at 09:38 PM
Wow, Katie. That's challenging. I need to go write some more. :-) Preach on sister. Your words ring very true.
@Miz - your character might have an internal struggle with remaining pure until marriage, in this loving relationship you're talking about. I've known men, when coming to faith, who struggle, and ones who drop all kinds of habits and chains instantly.
I think more would consider a new Christian who struggles and overcomes to be not only more believeable, but encouraging, a call to be better than they are.
I've seen encouraging Christian films, BTW, recently, that are spot-on. Facing the Giants, Flywheel, Fireproof, and am looking forward to 'Letters to God'.
Your post here is a clarion call for us to be careful, since we are actually about the Lord's work.
Posted by: MisterChris | April 15, 2010 at 09:03 AM
@Sandra: We can't control who reads our work or how far it goes, but we can control are commitment to making it the best it can be so that it can serve our Savior however He wants it to.
@Johne: It *is* a tough line to walk, and we all seem to interpret where exactly the line falls a little differently. For me, it comes down to staying open to the Holy Spirit and being aware of where He is leading.
@Chris: I believe God gave me the talent and desire to write for a reason. If that's so, I have a responsibility to live up to whatever that reason is. It makes the journey that much more exciting!
Posted by: K.M. Weiland | April 15, 2010 at 01:44 PM
great post, K.M.. your question has been asked and answered, asked and answered for at least five years here at The Master's Artists and other blogs within the Christian writing blogosphere. as a reviewer what i have found is that each year our selection of relevant, well-written stories with Christian point-of-view increases. I believe its because of these continued discussions and authors, who are challenging the cookie cutter type characters by producting stories that are more realisticc and relevant for us.
it would be great if spotlighted more of some of those books and authors here at TMA. i definitely as i compile my summer reading list recommendations for this year.
Posted by: Dee Stewart | April 15, 2010 at 05:00 PM
No doubt about it: the landscape of Christian fiction is changing - and changing for the better, I think. I'm very interested to see what the Lord does with his army of Christian authors.
Posted by: K.M. Weiland | April 17, 2010 at 09:25 AM