Greg Wolfe on The MA

  • "An excellent example of a group blog, a true community of like-minded but highly individual writers. . . . Topics range from the state of Christian publishing to craft issues to lyrical meditations on writing as a spiritual discipline."

    GREGORY WOLFE in Christianity Today, March 2008


  • The Master's Artist is a group blog for writers united by the blood of Christ and a love for language. We come from different backgrounds, have different theological outlooks, and are interested in a wide variety of genres and artforms. The opinions expressed belong to their authors alone -- and you're welcome to share yours.

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July 14, 2008


Madison Richards


Your constant encouragement and passion for Him is evident in every post you write - even on those days when you're not feeling so amazing... You are a vertical inspiration!


Dee Stewart

Thank you, Madison.

I don't know if you knew I was sick the past two weeks and still am, amazingly. But under treatment with my docs so I should be 100% soon I hope. I am to attend a bookclub convention in August, so I need to be. :)

So I am way out the loop with TMA. Plan to catch up this week.

Christa Allan

As I sit here whining about the waning days of summer and school beginning August 6, I am convicted by "I have squandered so many days, blog posts, manuscripts, words of encouragement to my friends, words of love to my child, and opportunities to pray. I haven't looked as my writing as a gift or as my life as a gift..."

My prayer today, and should be for always, "Lord, let me not squander the gift of any person, place, or opportunity."

Your honesty is an inspiration.

Michelle Van Loon

This is what I needed today.


Father, you see Dee's heart. You see that faithful, beautiful part of her that yearns for you, that hopes in you, that cries out to you. You carry her when she's on her knees and weary from life as she perceives it. You give her your loving arms to fold up in and weep. You love and adore her, she is precious to you.

You haven't rescinded the gifts and talents you've given her. You help her to refocus when she widens her adventures to the point of exhaustion. You bring healing to heart and body and even the mind when it's submitted to you.

Bless her, Lord Jesus, with your companionship, your strength in her weakness, your loving hands wrapped around hers. Tell her that her name in engraved in the palms of your hands. Give her the straight direction she needs and guide her into your desires for her.

In the Name of Jesus, Amen.

You're beautiful, Dee.

Dee Stewart

I need this everyday, Christa. Thanks for commenting. How's your WIP? Squared away or need more help?

Dee Stewart

Michelle, I'm glad you needed this, too.

Dee Stewart

Nicole, thank you so much for this prayer. :)

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